Using your credit card to pay for hotel booking is indeed a wise choice. By using your credit card, you are managing your finances while still being able to enjoy it without worrying about the immediate cost. Plus, many hotels offer special deals or discounts for credit card users, like complimentary stays so you get definitely get more value for your money. Also, many credit cards offer points convertible into hotel bookings. In short, using a credit card gives value for money and makes your hotel experience all the more convenient.
Hotel Bookings are usually under these MCCs:
- MCC 3500-3999 (major hotel chains)
- MCC 7011 (other small hotels and AirBnB)
- MCC 4722 (Travel Agencies & Tour Operators)
SGD Payments:
Cards | Earn Rate | Minimum Spend | Spend Cap | Notes |
up to 6.6 miles per dollar | No Min Spend | No Cap | must book on these special online landing pages UOB x Agoda and UOB x Expedia - May be more expensive. | |
4 miles per dollar | No Min Spend | S$1,500/calendar month | Must be an online transaction | |
4 miles per dollar | No Min Spend | S$1,000 for Classic; S$2,000 for Solitaire | Must choose 'Travel' as bonus category; can be online/in-person payment. Cannot be used with Amaze. | |
4 miles per dollar | S$1,000 | S$2,000/statement month | For SGD, must pay in-person via contactless spend (Tap at hotel or flight counter payment terminal) |
Foreign Currency Payments:
Cards | Earn Rate | Minimum Spend | Spend Cap | Notes |
4 miles per dollar | S$1,000 | S$2,000/statement month | No restrictions; can be paid in person, contactless, or online | |
3.2 miles per dollar 2.8 miles per dollar | S$4,000 S$800? | No Cap | can be online and offline transaction | |
3 miles per dollar (only for fcy spends in Indonesia Rupiah (IDR), Malaysian Ringgit (MYR), Thai Baht (THB), Vietnamese Dong (VND) | No Min Spend | No Cap | Applies to both online and in-person spend | |
2.8 miles per dollar | S$800 | No Cap | Can be online or in-person payment | |
2 miles per dollar | No Minimum Spend | No Cap | Online Payment |
If you’re looking for the highest earn rate, the UOB PRVI Miles card stands out with 6 miles per dollar on hotel bookings made through their website. However, you should compare the prices before booking. Meanwhile, both the DBS Woman’s World Mastercard and UOB Lady’s Card offer a competitive 4 miles per dollar, making them solid alternatives for consistent, high-value rewards.