The credit card you use to pay your telco bills might have a big influence on how you manage your money in this day and age when being connected is essential. We always want to earn a worthwhile cashback or miles reward to every purchase that we have, may it be big or small. Having the ability to earn benefits would really be a great help in maximizing our recurring expenses such as telco bills! These are the highest ones that you can consider getting. Here’s the best cards for telco bills:
Cashback Cards | Earn Rate | Minimum Spend | Cashback Cap | Notes |
18% cashback | S$600 per month | S$78 cap | only for Singtel | |
8% cashback (Data Communication Category) | S$800 per month | S$25 per category | StarHub, Singtel, M1 Limited, Circles.Life, MyRepublic + other telco services | |
6% cash rebates | S$800 per month | S$25 per category, total S$100 for all 4 categories |
Miles Cards | Earn Rate | Minimum Spend | Spend Cap | Notes |
4 miles per dollar | No min spend | S$1,000 | must be paid online (without Apple or Google Pay); must not setup as recurring payment | |
4 miles per dollar | No min spend | S$1,500 | only via online payment; must not setup as recurring payment |
Maybank Family & Friends Card may be the best cashback card as it offers a flat 8% cashback on telco bills which is very high for its category and it covers an extensive range of telco providers + it’s pretty straightforward and fuss-free. Alternatively, both Citi Rewards and DBS Woman’s World are good options for miles accumulation.